Power of Play Aftercare

Congratulations. You've survived Nancy's workshop or keynote!
Hey, playful human. What a joy to have you at my workshop or keynote. As promised, here is some more background information about the power and necessity of play.
In any case, thank you for your energy and playful presence. Please feel free to get in touch if you'd like me to come play with your team or organisation. Or, sign up for my Random Rambles below - a (more or less) weekly newsletter full of playfulness.
But above all: keep on playing.
PS. Did you really, really, truly enjoy my keynote or workshop? Then I have a question for you.
Pssst ... looking for something specific? Go straight to:
Lots of juicy links (for background information and inspiration)
A healthy dose of playful inspiration:
Recommended reading:
Get playing at these public events:

What did you think?
Did you really enjoy my workshop or keynote? Did it get you thinking or make changes in the way you work day-to-day? And do you have five minutes to spare? Then I'd be really honoured if you'd leave a quick recommendation on my LinkedIn profile.
Why? There's nothing the LinkedIn algorithm gods like more than a juicy recommendation. And hopefully, this helps more people to find out about me and my work, and discover the power of play for themselves. More people playing = a better world all around.
Seven reasons to play:
Play is primal and therefore natural to do.
It's good for your health (mental and physical).
The quickest way to build relationships is through play.
Giving feedback is easier through play.
Play is universal and inclusive (everyone can do it).
Play is about overcoming challenges and not about having fun (although it is a very nice side effect).
Playful people are more innovative, creative and intrinsically motivated.
Three tips to get you started:
TIP one
Start small.